Friday 28 June 2019


1) Which of the following statement is true Cannot change operator templates
2) A node in a linked list consists of ______ and ______ Data, link
3) Floating point is always interpreted to represent a number in the following form m x re
4) Match the Following
1. Public sector - a. Banking
2.Private sector - b. Poultry
3. Primary sector - c. Profit motive
4. Tertiary sector - d. Service motive 

1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - d

5) Which of the following is/are correct DISTINCT keyword is used to remove duplicates
6) For a database relation R(a,b,c,d) where the domains of a, b, c, d include only atomic values, only the following functional dependencies and those that can be inferred from them hold.
a --->c
b --->d
This relation is
In First Normal Form but not in Second Normal For

7) Thrashing
Implies excessive page I/O activity
8) The unconditional branching instructions are JMP


10)  Consider the following two statements
I. A publicly derived class is a sub class of its base class.
II. Inheritance provides code reuse.
Which of the following statement is correct

Both the statement I and II are correct

11)  Associative registers used to implement page tables are also called as 
Translation look-aside buffers

12) Zero has two representations in sign magnitude method

13) Which method quantizes the object space into a finite number of cells Grid

14) The simplified SOP (Sum of Product) form of the Boolean expression (P+Q'+R').(P+Q'+R).(P+Q+R') is     

15) Speed of microprocessor depends on 
width of data bus

16) Node-to-Node delivery of the data unit is the responsibility of the Data link  layer

17)Throughput of a system is

Number of programs processed by it per unit time

18) The process of recording sound, stored in the form of thousands of individual measurements, each at a discrete point in time is called 

19) Who remarked "The light has gone out of our lives and there is darkness everywhere"? Nehru

20) A Truth Table gives the output state for each possible input state combinations

21) The dual of the switching x + yz is  x(y+z)

22) any alignment specified specified at cell level override  '

23) The state of a 12 bit register is 100010010111. What is its content if it represents the three decimal digits in the excess-3 code and in BCD? 
564, 897

24) Bridge has filtering capability

25) The book 'Castes and Tribes of Southern India' was written by Edgar Thurston

26) A pure ALOHA network transmits 200 bit frames on a shared channel of 200 Kbps. What is the throughput if the system (all stations together) produces 1000 frames per second 
135 frames

27) The type of Ethernet destination address 47:20:1B:2E:08:EE is 

28) Which of the following html tag uses absolute URL

29) The directive required in any C++ program that uses either cin or cout is iostream.h

30) Optimal algorithm uses the concept of Replacing a page that will not be used for longest period of time

31) Which of the following sorting method is stable 
Insertion sort
32) Functions defined outside the class can be accessed using 
Scope resolution operator
33) The casual users access the stored database by
Executing interactive query

34) Which of the following flip flops is free from race around problem Mater slave JK


36) Which interfaces accept request written in some other language to understand them with database Natural language interface

37) TIFF stands for Tagged Interchange File Format

38) C++ provides inline functions to reduce function call overhead, mainly for Small functions
39)  Overlay is A single contiguous memory that is used in olden days for running large programs by swapping

40) Which of the following is false Pointers are typically initialized to the empty string

41) What helps the user to find interesting projections of multi-dimensional data  
Geometric projection visualization

42) Divide and conquer principle is adopted in quick sort

43) The individual's attention always remains on track and the activity proceeds systematically without any serious distraction, this is termed as  Sustained attention

44) The Excess-3 code has ______ invalid codes  6

45) If a data item is declared as a protected access specifier then it can be accessed By the base and derived classes

46) An AVL tree is identical to a binary search tree, except that for every node in the tree, the height of the left and right sub-trees can differ by at most 1

47) If all resources have only a single instance, then we can define a deadlock detection algorithm that uses a variant of the resource allocation graph called Directed acyclic graph
Remainder of available viewing space

102) Dimensionality reduction is not applied for     Log linear models
105) Arrange the following in chronological order.
1) Battle of Kanwah
2) First battle of Panipat
3) Battle of Ghagra
4) Battle of Chanderi

2 1 4 3

51) Which of the following regarding basic ER and relational models is INCORRECT
In a row of relational table, an attribute can have more than one value

106) Accumulator is used for
 Arithmetic, logic, I/O and load/store operations
107) Fork system call is used for
  Creation of a new process

108) FLOW control refers to set of procedures used to restrict amount of data the sender can send before waiting for acknowledgement
109) Digital Signature cannot provide
110) The main container for <tr><th><td>
111) The file format that uses a shorthand representation of musical notes and duration stored in numeric form is MIDI
112) Compaction is possible only if Relocation is dynamic and done at execution time
113) If all resources have only a single instance, then we can define a deadlock detection algorithm that uses a variant of the resource allocation graph called wait-for
114) If the language has the capability to produce new data types, it is called as extensible
115) The focus and blur events are also part of Window events
116) The web has a phenomenon known as ________, in which a website that was previously an unknown and unvisited, all of a sudden becomes the Center of the Known Universe Flash Crowds
117) Which one of the following disability is not mentioned in the National Trust (1999) Act Hearing Impairment
118) The maximum number of nodes possible in a binary tree of height 'h' is 2h-1
119) The cosine measure and the tanimato coefficient are used for applications involving Sparse numeric data vector
120) The bubbles in bubble memory pack are created with the help of Magnetic field
121) Consider a schema R (A,B,C,D) and functional dependencies A->B and C->D. Then the decomposition of R into R1(A,B) and R2(C,D) is dependency preserving but not lossless join
122) Determine the base of the numbers for the given operation to be correct.

123) A family of graphic characters that usually includes many type sizes and styles is called typeface
124) The Preamble of the Indian Constitution adopted on 26th November, 1949 did not include the terms. 1. Socialist
2. Secular
3. Integrity
4. Republic

1, 2 and 3

123) Which of the following is immune to all present and future attacks, no matter how much computational power the intruder has one One Time Padding
124) Which one of the following terms is not a part of the acronym 'POSDCORB' widely used in the field of educational management and administration Supervision
125) It is a class of machine learning techniques that make use of both labelled and unlabelled examples where learning models are called Semi supervised learning
125) Adrenaline - Breathing rate
126) density, weight, volume
127) The function abort() in C++ is declared in the header file stdlib.h
128) The directive used to make variable declaration compulsory in ASP is option explicit
129) Which of the following is not correct for virtual function in C++  Virtual function can be static.     
130) The transformation of data from main memory to cache memory is referred to as Mapping

131) 'O' Blood group man gets married with 'AB' Blood group woman. What are the impossible blood group for their child. O' and 'AB' Blood group

132) A code scheme has a hamming distance dmin=4. This code guarantees the detection of errors up to 3 bit

133) Name the malware computer program that replicates itself in order to spread to other computers Worm
134) Compared to CISC processors,RISC processors contain
         More register and smaller instruction set


136) In JavaScript , what does NaN function do
Return true, if the argument is not a number

137) The keyword void is used to indicate that the function does not return anything
138) Which statement gets affected when i++ is changed to ++i ?   a=i+i++;

139) In Rorschach ink blot test when excessive reaction upon colour is expressed by the subject it represents the subject's  Spontaneity of emotional expression
140) Black box testing finds interface error

141) The Programme for International Students Assessment (PISA) is a triennial international survey which aims to evaluate education systems worldwide by testing the skills and knowledge, is a worldwide study by the  OECD
142) We have a Channel with a 1 MHz bandwidth. The SNR for this channel is 63. What are the appropriate bit rate and signal level C= 6 Mbps and L=4
143) Which of the following is used to make an Abstract class Making at least one member function as virtual function
144) The web standard allows programmers on many different computer platforms to dispersed format and display the information. These programs are called Browser
145) Which of the following is not an inherent application of stack Job scheduling

146) In general, the animation may appear jerky and slow if each frame is displayed for more than about  1/15 of a second
147) 10GBase – ER can run for distances of 40 km, making it suitable for wide area applications


P-4, Q-1, R-2, S-3

149) Everyone of us have an inherent desire to get an opportunity to dominate others, it may vary in intensity but it is surely exhibited by all of us in one or other situation, this is the need for Self – assertion
150) The flags in the flag register does not get affected by Data transfer instructions